Cloud Effective's email alert process is a great way to stay on top of your work flow!  

Both Productivity Essentials and Productivity Pro will alert you to:

· Tasks and deliverables which are due today

Stay ahead of the game!

Schedule time on your calendar today to complete your ‘due today’ items

· Tasks and deliverables which are due over the next seven days

Plan ahead!

Schedule time on your calendar over the next seven days to complete these tasks

· Tasks and deliverables which are past due

Track delinquent items

Don’t fall further behind

§ Delegate if feasible. 

§ Cancel if no longer necessary, or

§ Schedule time to complete as feasible. 

Alerts have active links that lead directly to the task you need to update or review.  Here is a sample:

We have found that daily or weekly alerts are most effective.  Its easy to select the alert schedule of your choice:

Alternatively, there is a link provided in each alert notification that opens the edit profile process.

Here's to being effective!

Your Cloud Effective Team